Dental Floss: My most important story ever told

Dental Floss: Overview

As new posts are made this space will become a table of contents linking to each one
Introduction: *YOU ARE HERE*
Part 1:  Click Here
Part 2: Click Here
Part 3: Click Here
Part 4: Click Here
Part 5: Right Here

    "Where am I and why does this guy care so much about tools for proper oral hygiene?"

Valid question.  So here's the deal; roughly 3.5 years ago my wife and I decided what many married couples come to decide, time to have a kid.  Like many couples the dreams began and, well, the fun started.  It always seemed like such a simple process, A+B = BABY.  Easy math, but then life struck.

    Infertility struck us and I had always envisioned one day writing a blog post of a male perspective to the struggles and challenges faced.  However, I decided to wait to post anything until AFTER the baby was born, just to make sure I had my story straight from start to finish.  Then life struck again and too many things started piling up and the post in my head got longer and longer, so now the post has become a series and they are starting before the journey is concluded to make sure I don't miss anything.  

    Infertility is sort of a blind struggle in the fact that those who go through it just want it gone, once they overcome it one way or another they move on to focus on the happy result of their road to parenting.  Few choose to reflect back and tell their story.  This is perfectly normal and quite understandable, why relive the most painful years of your life?  Well, one downside to this approach is it perpetuates a loneliness to those struggling with infertility.  Makes you feel alone while dealing with it, like no one else has been here.  Not true.  Many have.  The point of this series of posts is to share our journey.  As you'll see, our journey has become far too significant and I feel fully compelled to make sure I pass along what we've experienced, felt, and been through with the sole intent of helping someone who happens to struggle with something similar and know that they're not alone.

DISCLAIMER:  While our journey has many highs and lows this is not intended to be an all things cuddly and fluffy series of posts.  I intend to call things exactly as we see/saw them on our path with the purpose of helping people going through what we did to understand what helps/hurts the situation.  

    So, back to your original question.  Why dental floss?  Well, I am a weird guy.  I do this thing where I associate a future event with something of the present as means to make said future event feel more real and build excitement.  So for example, once Margaret and I set a date for our wedding and I got my first job out of college I was looking at myself in the mirror of the bathroom at work and thought "Just 8 months from now I will be married and I will stand in this exact spot except then, I will be married."  Well, a few months later I left that job and moved to Florida, whoops.  The trend continued though of playing this little quirky game.  Rest assured I only play this game with significant life events.  
    So, there we were, just decided it was time to make a kid and coincidentally to that decision we had purchased what can only be described as the worlds largest roll of dental floss.  I say coincidentally because if you buy dental floss in preparation to having a kid you might be doing it wrong.  So the game began, I am standing there brushing my teeth and while my mind grasps for anything to ponder while waiting for the plaque blasting bristles of the toothbrush to do their job I catch a glimpse of Mega Floss and the thought happened "That floss spool is so big, by the time it's gone we will have a kid in this house".  In hindsight perhaps I should have substituted "in this house" for "in college".  Seriously, it's a lot of floss.

So begins our journey to having a kid, through the eyes of a dwindling spool of dental floss.

As new posts are made this space will become a table of contents linking to each one
Introduction: *YOU ARE HERE*
Part 1:  Click Here
Part 2: Click Here
Part 3 can be found: Right Here
Part 4 can be found: Right Here
Part 5 can be found: Right Here


  1. Very interesting! I wonder if you have any photos left of said dental floss...


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