A new home!


Welcome one welcome all to the new home for The Tech Block blog feel free to feed the fish.  In the move a few of my older blogposts were discarded or lost (read: I was too lazy to keep copying them over).  So if you're interested in any of my older blog posts they can still be found at thetechblock.spaces.live.com

"Mike, for a second I thought I lost you!  How can I make sure to NEVER miss a move like this again!!"

Well, fear not imaginary concerned avid reader.  If you simply use the URL http://thetechblock.blockhead-studios.com you will NEVER lose me again!  If my blog moves that URL will be updated to reflect the move.  I do this for you.  If you prefer a slightly less long link and trust that I will make future moves well known before they happen and you got a taste for the old school with none of this URL forwarding sorcery then you can simply use the link thetechblock.blogspot.com *YAAAAWN  BOOOOORING* ahem... anyways, WELCOME kick back, have a drink and click that follow button to REALLY be in touch with The Tech Block!!

OH, while we're on the subject of plug this plug that link here link there I scream you scream for ice cream.  Do check out my wife's blog at, you guessed it, either theblockbox.blockhead-studios.com OR theblockbox.blogspot.com (all previous banter about these links and which to use applies here too).



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