
Showing posts from 2010

A new home!

<NewPost> Welcome one welcome all to the new home for The Tech Block blog feel free to feed the fish.  In the move a few of my older blogposts were discarded or lost (read: I was too lazy to keep copying them over).  So if you're interested in any of my older blog posts they can still be found at "Mike, for a second I thought I lost you!  How can I make sure to NEVER miss a move like this again!!" Well, fear not imaginary concerned avid reader.  If you simply use the URL you will NEVER lose me again!  If my blog moves that URL will be updated to reflect the move.  I do this for you.  If you prefer a slightly less long link and trust that I will make future moves well known before they happen and you got a taste for the old school with none of this URL forwarding sorcery then you can simply use the link *YAAAAWN  BOOOOORING* ahem... anyways,...