Can't Sit Quiet

"Not compatible with life" ------ Disclaimer time, Disclaimer time ----------- Ok, here's your fair warning/disclaimer for this post since I am about to touch on some touchy stuff. It is with the utmost importance that you take the things I am about to say at their face value and not to extrapolate them into the realm of inferred assumptions. This post, in all likely hood, will come out scattered as buck shot from a shotgun, but I know the concept of what I am trying to say needs to be said. So please, bear with me. First things first, if you're new to this blog and our story I encourage you to pause before digging deeper and Start at the beginning (CLICK HERE) in order to come into this post with the proper frame of context. ----------------------------------------------------------- Ok, welcome back. I may have mentioned it in a previous blog post, and certainly if you've ever talked to me in person about our journey thus far wi...