A reflective thank you note

Overwhelmed. In all the right ways. So, as I sit here, just 4 days away from getting to meet our Abriana Mireille I realized that once Friday hits things are most likely going to launch into warp speed and I may not get this golden opportunity to be a little reflective for the people that have gotten us to this point. Last night I was cruising around Facebook and saw a chain of posts. A post of my blog from someone on my friends list, followed by a domino effect of posts of at least 3 other people not on my friends list sharing our story with their friends list and all of a sudden it hit me like a sack of bricks. The depth of people out there thinking about us, or praying for us is so far beyond what I could have ever imagined and we'll probably never know just how many people have rallied in support for all we've been through and have yet to encounter ahead. It's truly amazing, and my only regret is that there is not a proper string of words in any languag...